El Hierro
We arrived in El Hierro yesterday at 6 PM, and we're heading out tomorrow morning for Mauritania, a four-days' sail away.
27º47.069' N
17º54.075' W
Last night, I finally got my act together and prepared some photos for the web. The following are basically in chronological order.

Gran Canaria:

Herve and Martine:

La Gomera:

"Water-sitting" (Herve demonstrating):

Ocean view:

Dolphins!!! During our sail from La Gomera to El Hierro, a whole group of them appeared out of nowhere and swam right alongside the boat. They stayed for five minutes, and then left as quickly as they had come:

Lastly, a couple of panaromas (stitched with DIS v11). The first one is from Lanzarote, and the second from the top of El Teide in Tenerife. Click for full image: (WARNING -- files are large!)

Next stop: Africa.
27º47.069' N
17º54.075' W
Last night, I finally got my act together and prepared some photos for the web. The following are basically in chronological order.

Gran Canaria:

Herve and Martine:

La Gomera:

"Water-sitting" (Herve demonstrating):

Ocean view:

Dolphins!!! During our sail from La Gomera to El Hierro, a whole group of them appeared out of nowhere and swam right alongside the boat. They stayed for five minutes, and then left as quickly as they had come:

Lastly, a couple of panaromas (stitched with DIS v11). The first one is from Lanzarote, and the second from the top of El Teide in Tenerife. Click for full image: (WARNING -- files are large!)

Next stop: Africa.
Take notes. I smell a new sitcom.
1. Boy falls off boat and is saved by dolphin.
2. Dolphin drags boy to shore as boat is destroyed.
3. Boy realizes he is in Africa, but for some reason it is populated with dinosaurs.
4. Boy totally gets more than he bargained for when his ad for a new roommate is answered by - a ghost?!
Sort of Gilligan's Island-meets-Flipper-meets-Jurassic Park-meets Will and Grace except Grace is a ghost. I think you know what I'm getting at here.
Miss ya buddy.
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